For those struggling with drug or alcohol abuse, AA and its sister groups are some of the most popular programs for getting sober. In fact, as of 2019, over 2 million people worldwide went to AA. With a bustling online community and local meetings throughout the United States, LifeRing Secular Recovery is an alternative to traditional, spiritually based, 12-Step programs such as AA. LifeRing believes that each individual holds their own key to recovery, and it is not necessary to then place control in the hands of a spiritual being. SMART Recovery concepts help individuals to recognize that alcohol abuse can be destructive, and it creates problems emotionally, physically, socially, and behaviorally.

get sober without aa

In most cases, these weight fluctuations should normalize as you get sober and stay sober. This is the personalized collection of treatments and therapies selected to give you the best chance of getting sober and staying sober. Maybe you don’t have a drinking problem at all, but you got unexpectedly intoxicated and wake up needing to at least appear more sober than you feel. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to reduce your BAC (blood alcohol concentration) levels. Don’t leave this up to chance, call an addiction treatment program today.

Find support in a different group

The program only works for some people, and refusing to change dismisses the larger group of people it doesn’t work for in its current form. If the core of AA is meant to help people get and stay sober, it would adapt to a modern world and/or just stop denying that it is a program of God written by two sexist men that died ages ago. So, for this milestone, I’d like to share some insight about the program of Alcoholics Anonymous based entirely on my own experience. In communicating with people considering sobriety, preconceived notions about AA are the most common point of disinterest in making the change for themselves, and I understand why. As Workit Health’s Senior VP of Growth & Brand, Kali Lux leans in to the culture gap between addiction, recovery, and medicine. She’s interested in finding solutions that work for substance users better than drinking or drugging does, and believes Workit is one of them.

For over 20 years Dr. Umhau was a senior clinical investigator at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It can even reduce pain, anxiety, and alcohol cravings, according to a 2018 review of mindfulness research as it relates to AUD (8). To find a sober coach, search Google for local options or explore coaching how to stay sober without aa databases like Bark and Noomii. When searching for a therapist, it’s a good idea to look for one who specializes in AUD or addiction. It’s important to note that moderation does not work for everyone, but it is a valid approach for some. Developed by Dr. John D. Sinclair, the Sinclair Method is an evidence-based treatment for AUD that involves taking naltrexone.

Stay Cool and Calm

With so many options, it’s always a good idea to talk to professionals. They can help you decide what treatment methods are right for you. Search our rehab directory to find the nearest treatment center to you. What most people don’t know is that there are a lot of alternatives to AA. If you have a drug or alcohol problem but don’t want to go to AA, keep reading. There are still plenty of ways to get the treatment you need and start the healthy lifestyle you deserve.

If you are thinking about giving up drinking and are seeking services and support, The Recovery Village is here to help. We have locations across the country, and we are qualified to treat alcohol addiction and co-occurring mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. Contact us today to learn about our service offerings and how we can help you give up drinking or drug use. In summary, when it comes to how to quit drinking without AA, there are many options and many effective paths.

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At Renaissance Recovery our goal is to provide evidence-based treatment to as many individuals as possible. Give us a call today to verify your insurance coverage or to learn more about paying for addiction treatment. You may also find yourself barraged by emotions and experiencing sensory overload.

Do people grow out of AA?

You cannot outgrow the Alcoholics Anonymous program because it is designed with constant maintenance in mind. The AA program is designed to help people get sober but it is also designed to help people maintain sobriety and recovery in the long term.

For me, the first year of not drinking was an emotional time with many ups and downs. It’s a period when you discover who you really are and see the reasons behind why you drank while also learning how to heal without abusing alcohol. Getting sober is a little easier when you know what to expect, so here are a few things you should be prepared for in your first year of sobriety.

How to Get Sober

With the toxins gone from your system and your mind is overloaded with information, you may find this challenging. As you edge into the second week of being sober, mild headaches may persist. Insomnia is commonplace and you may also experience dreams tempting you to start drinking again. The longer you remain abstinent from alcohol, the more benefits you will start realizing.

At TruHealing Centers across the country, we work with you on an individual basis to find an addiction treatment plan tailored to your needs. If you need help, many of us at Amatus have been where you are, struggling with our own Substance Use Disorders. Visit to learn more about how we can support you. Women for Sobriety is another sobriety support group and program. Support is available in self-help groups across the U.S. and abroad, as well as in an online forum.

Curbing Alcohol Cravings: Medications, and Home Remedies

You might not believe in yourself today, tomorrow, or next week. Still, if you’d like to believe in yourself, you have what it takes to do it. Similarly, if you’d like to be sober but aren’t sure if you can do it 100%, you are already on the right path. There is nothing wrong with being proud of yourself for what you have done and are doing now. Being open and honest about sobriety also takes a measure of self-awareness, bravery, integrity, and dignity that many people will not understand unless they’ve struggled. That said, here are 4 things I have learned that are useful in getting sober from alcohol without AA.

Many recovering addicts now find that they have more time to fill without drugs and alcohol consuming their thoughts and actions. The cornerstone of 12-Step meetings is admitting that you are powerless to your addiction. You are asked to surrender control to a higher power, which may or may not be based on faith. You might have a strong support system of loved ones and family members to help you in your sobriety. Or, you might need time to build a support system if your addiction negatively impacted friends and family members. Addiction is a “chronic brain disease” that is treatable yet not cured.